Cell Types
First we defining a cell:
1-Cells are a unit structure of living organisms
2-infact Cells are a closed space
All vivid cells made another cells and most of cells divided by meiosis and mitosis or compounded by ovum and sperm to make a zygote in sexual replication. All cells surrounded by plasma membrane or cell membrane and this structure contain of two layers of phospholipid.
We divided cells to two groups that consist of prokaryotic and eukaryotic:
Eukaryotic cells have a real nucleus that consist of chromosomes and genetic material. Each of chromosomes contain of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which this unit with protein. Nucleus surrounded by nuclear membrane which this consist of two layer of lipids. Prokaryotic cells haven’t any nucleus and these cells have genetic material that floating in cytoplasm. Eukaryotic cells have a more complex structure and larger size than prokaryotic cells. They have components in membrane bound such as chloroplasts, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes and endoplasmic reticulum which prokaryotic cells haven’t these components. All of components of cells with cytoplasm called protoplasm. Two layers in eukaryotic membrane that impermeable by material such as amino acid, sugars and ions. On the surface in membrane that cells have membrane protein which these components selected that active and passive transport.
Gases and water such as carbon dioxide and oxygen transit of cell membrane by dissemination. The Cells which have bound membrane can absorb materials. We called this process; phagocytosis which cells can consumed materials when materials are solids and also consumed liquids materials by pinocytosis. The contraire process called exocytosis. All of the process let cell to controlled internal space also body fluids. The cells in our body have a different types and different cells doing special duty. Cells organized into organs and tissues. In cell membrane we see a lot of molecules that have a different duty and cell membrane have proteins or glycoproteins. These molecules plays as cell receptors and these molecules interfered about signal transduction, cytokines, hormones and these molecules can do receptors medicines and viruses.
Now we defining cell types in this part:
Accessory c’s
Macrophages doing them duty in process of antigens making them immunogenic.
Acinar cell
One of cells that involved in pancreatic acini.
Adherent cell
One of cell that cultured in the lab plate.
Alpha c’s
1-cells in islets of Langerhans which spatter glucagon.
2-acidopholic cells in the anterior pituitary.
APUD c’s
See apud cells.
Argentaffin c’s
Enterochromaffin cells consists of cytoplasmic granules that able to decrease silver compounds and these cell located in gastrointestinal tract. They secrete serotonin.
Band cell
An immature neutrophil that the nucleus have a resistant bond, incompatible shaped and turned or twisted. These cells also called stab cells and band-form granulocyte.
Basal cell
A primary keratinocyte which exist in the basal layer of the epidermis.
Basket c’s
A complex of cells that exist in the cerebellar cortex which enclosed the cell body of each Purkinje cell.
Beta c’s
1-Basophilic cells in the pancreas that spatter insulin and they contain granules that are soluble in alcohol.
2- Basophilic cells in the anterior pituitary.
Blood cell
One of the elements and cells that existed in blood.
Cell body
Cells consist of nucleus and neighbor cytoplasm. Nervous cells which have components such as dendrites and axon.
Bone cell
One of bone cell in our body also called osteocyte.
Cartilage cell
We called in biology; Chondrocyte.
Chromaffin c’s
In fact they are cells that when painting with potassium bichromate we see a brown granules.
Cleavage cell
Any of the cells resultant from the fertilized ovum by mitosis such as a blastomere.
Cell count
We can suggest erythrocyte, milk cell counts and leukocyte.
Cell culture
They cultured in the lab plate.
Cell cycle
See cell cycle.
Daughter cells
One of cells made by division of mother cell.
Cell dehydration
Loss of fluid from cells due to increase osmotic pressure of blood and tissue fluid.
Dendritic cell
Macrophage like cells with long process located in the skin and the cortex of lymph nodes.
Cell differentiation
One of the process causes to loss of reproductive capacity.
Embryonic stem cell
A stem cell is fetal origin.
Epithelioid cell
Enormous macrophages with large lysosomes and much endoplasmic reticulum. Cells can make multinucleated giant cell by together.
Epsilon cell
One of the groups of acidophilic cells in the adenohypophysis. These cells contains granules that stain and painting with azocarmine dye.
Foam cell
A cell with appearance twisting.
Cell fusion
Syncytial enormous cell.
Ganglion cell
It is a large nerve cell.
Germ cell
See germ cell.
Giant cell
It is very large cell and applied to megakaryocytes of bone marrow, to giant cells formed by coalescence and fusion of macrophages occurring in infectious granulomas and about foreign bodies, and to special cancer cells.
Glial c’s
Neuroglial cells.
Goblet cell
A unicellular mucous gland existed in the epithelium of various mucous membranes certain in recessional and gut.
Granular cell
One of containing granules as a keratinocyte in the stratum Granulosum of the epidermis.
Gustatory cell
Taste bud.
Heart failure c’s, heart lesion c’s
Iron containing macrophages existed in pulmonary alveoli that they causes to congestive heart failure.
Helmet cell
The cell name’s is schistocyte.
Helper cell
A group of T lymphocytes that cooperate with B lymphocytes and other T lymphocytes for make of antibodies to many antigens that T lymphocytes played important role in immunoregulation.
Hybrid cell
One of mononucleate cell produced by a binucleate heterokaryon after this time we see mitosis. First these cell are unstable and some of cells have a double complement of chromosomes.
Immunologically competent cell
For example we can insinuate; immunocyte.
Interstitial c’s
The cell of crossbred that existed in testis and ovary (we called Leydig’s cells) that prepare the internal secretion of these tissues.
Islet c’s
Cells that consist of islets of Langerhans in the pancreas such as beta cells and alpha cells.
Juxtaglomerular c’s
Dedicated cells containing secretory granules and they existed in the tunica media of the afferent glomerular arterioles. They causes produce aldosterone by splutter enzyme renin and they can set fluid balance and blood pressure.
K c’s, killer c’s
T lymphocytes that have cytotoxic activity and these cells coated by specific IgG antibody.
Lacis cell
We called granular cell that in this process we see accumulation cells between the arterioles.
Acunar cell
One of cells that malignant interdigitating reticular cell lymphoma in humans.
LE cell
A mature neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocyte characteristic that existed in lupus erythematosus.
Leydig’s c’s
Internal cells that existed in testis and these cells can secrete testosterone.
Cell line
We can see cell line in lab plate when we cultured cell in this plate.
Lutein c’s
The Polyhedral cells of the corpus luteum, the plump and pale-staining.
Lymph cell
For example we can point to the lymphocyte.
Lymphoid c’s
Plasma cells and lymphocytes.
Mast cell
A crossbred tissues have basophilic and metachromatic cytoplasmic granules which consist of heparin, hyaluronic acid, histamine,slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A), and, in some species, serotonin. These cells have a receptors in membrane that we called in biology; Fc receptor specific for IgE.
Cell-mediated immune reaction
For example Cellular immunity.
Cell migration
Cells have movements in our body for example cells can go their place of origin to other tissues and organs. This process is very essential in development.
Microglial cell
For instance Microglia and Neuroglia.
Milk cell count
For example Milk cell counts.
Mother cell
Mother cells can divide to daughter cell and make a new cells.
Mott cell
A plasma cell with clear cytoplasmic pockets and large.
Natural killer c’s, NK c’s
These cells have a cytotoxic reactions without that present in this cell’s reactions.
Nerve cell
Any nerve system in our body for examples we can point to a neuron.
Cell nests
For example isogenous groups.
Neuroglia c’s, Neuroglial c’s
For instance neuroglia.
Null c’s
In cell, Lymphocyte like haven’t particular antigens receptors and other surfaces signs characteristic T and B lymphocyte and these cells have K and NK cells and so that their number of cells are increased in active systemic lupus erythematosus and other disease sites.
Olfactory c’s
A group of special cells in the mucous membrane of noise. One examples are the receptors for smelling.
Parafollicular c’s
For instance C cell.
Pick’s c’s
In round and polyhedral cells with foamy lipid containing cytoplasm existed in the bone marrow and spleen Niemann-Pick disease.
Plasma cell
These cells have a round and circle shape that they have a dense chromatin in a wheel spoke arrangement that it’s an area of immediate purged which contains the abundant cytoplasm and Golgi apparatus. Plasma cells are produced by B lymphocytes of antigen stimulation and this process involved in diffusion and producing antibody.
Prickle cell
This cell is a dividing keratinocyte in the prickle-cell layer of the epidermis.
Prokaryotic cell
For instance prokaryote.
Purkinje’s c’s
Large branching cells of the middle layer of the cerebellar cortex.
Red cell, red blood cell
For example erythrocyte.
Reed-Sternberg c’s
In Hodgkin’s disease (that occur in human), we can see giant histiocytic cells, typically multinucleate.
Reticular c’s
The cells former the reticular fibers of connective tissue. These cells make lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow. These cells are weakly phagocyte and they are existed originally in stromal.
Reticuloendothelial cell
A cell of the reticuloendothelial system.
Schwann cell
Any of the large nucleated cells that cell membrane spirally enwraps the axons of Myelinated peripheral neurons affording the myelin pod between two nodes of Ranvier.
Sertoli c’s
Long cells that existed in the tubules and they adjoined. These cells protected spermatids and prepare nutrition and these cells help spermatid till turn to mature spermatozoa.
Sickle cell
Sickle-shaped erythrocyte or a crescentic that seen in deer and human. These cells have a unusual because These cells have a hemoglobin S.
Signet-ring cell
A cell that the nucleus has been pressed one side of cells by accumulation mucin of one side in cells.
Somatic c’s
Cells in our body except of the germ cells.
Cell sorting
For example fluorescence-activated cell sorter.
Cell specialization
Turning of simple cell type into a dedicated cell type capable in the special function. For example secretory cell. A main part of the growth and progress in embryo and the differentiation of basic mesenchymal tissue and organ into specialized organs.
Spindle cell
Spindle formed cells of the subcutis or dermis; main component of spindle cell tumors.
Spur cell
Intense of spiculed mature erythrocyte.
Squamous c’s
Flat, scale like epithelial cells.
Stab cell
For example band cell.
Stellate cell
Any star-shaped cell, such as a Kupffer cell or astrocyte, having many filaments developing in all directions.
Stem cell
- Any precursor cell.
- A primitive hematopoietic cell which is able of self-replicating cells of erythrocytes or any of the leukocytes.
Stipple cell
These cells have granules. We can cultured and stain these cells with Wright’s stain.
Suppressor c’s
T lymphocytes has duty about these cells can inhibit immune response and antibody. These cells can play a role in immunoregulation.
Target cell
- An uncanny thin erythrocyte showing, when stained, a circumferential ring of hemoglobin, Separated by a pale, unstained area containing less hemoglobin; seen in various anemias and other disorders. In biology Called also codocyte.
- Any cell selectively affected by a particular agent, as a medicine or hormone.
- Cell containing nonself antigens in its cell membranes that is a target for nonimmune and immune cytolysis. For example virus-infected or tumor cell.
Taste c’s
Cells in the flavor sprouts associated with the nerves of flavor.
Cell therapy
Such as glandular therapy.
Totipotential cell
One types of embryonic cell that is able to extending into any type of body cell.
Türk’s cell
A lymphocyte with increased basophilia.
Visual c’s
The neuroepithelial elements of the retina.
White cell, White blood cell
For example leukocyte.
resources: medical-dictionary